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Summer international activities

gepost op 17/06/16 door eyfa Trefwoorden  actie  luttes sociales  luttes environnementales  No Border  solidarité  genre / sexualité  Grèce  COP 21 

1. Ecotopia Biketour. The Baltic States, Poland and Belarus. Summer
2. Sustaining our Struggles: Understanding Stress & Trauma, Building Personal and Collective.
Cluj, Romania. July 1-7
3. Queeristan - autonomous festival for radical queer politics. Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 6-10
4. No border camp thessaloniky, Greece. July 15-24
5. WAR. CAUSES. MIGRATION. Camp. Magdeburg, Germany. July 25-31
6. Peace News Summer Camp. Berrington, UK. July 28-August 1
7. Climate Camp and Degrowth Summer School and Actionlab. Rhineland, Germany. August 19-29

1. Ecotopia Biketour. The Baltic States, Poland and Belarus. Summer

Ecotopia is a self-organised, international activist community that organizes a yearly biketour in different regions of Europe. The tour generally lasts 3 months over the summer, we visit projects of an environmental or social nature and contribute and learn from the places. We also practice forms of activism and sustainable living. Ecotopia Biketour is for anyone interested in travelling by bike, community life, DIY, environmentalism and experiential learning.

2. Sustaining our Struggles: Understanding Stress & Trauma, Building Personal and Collective. Cluj, Romania. July 1-7

The training is open to activists active in the Balkans that are doing migrant solidarity and anti-racism work and would like to find ways to become more resilient in their struggle. We would like to open space for discovering ways to deal with emotions, fear or repression, stay involved long term in our struggles, while taking care of each other and growing together into healthy resilient groups. We will also consider the importance of connecting to our bodies and nature around us through different body and mindfulness practices

3. Queeristan - autonomous festival for radical queer politics. Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 6-10

Queeristan is a DIY festival about exploring and countering the normative workings of gender, sexuality and identity in an autonomous space that avoids capitalism, commercialization, heteronormativity, racism, sexism and transphobia. The festival is run by radical queers who found themselves in Amsterdam, and we want to meet you! So bring your gender, sexuality, experiences and stories, (but leave your baggage at home; Free your mind and the rest will follow!) we want to welcome you to our community.

4. No border camp Thessaloniky, Greece. 15-24 july.

5. War starts Here Camp. Magdeburg, Germany. July 25-31

Already 4 times the ’war-starts-here-camps’ has taken place in the Altmark: the several day lasting gathering under the slogan ’war starts here’ is a try to make the Army`s Combat Training Center (GÜZ) as a place of war preparation, more visible and to break through in discussions and actions the military Normality. The camp usually start with discussions, workshops and is followed by action days. Last year actions ranged from temporary occupation of the military space to vigils along the training center GÜœZ. This year camp will happen under the title "War.Causes.Migration.

Call only in German for now:

Summary of the 2015 camp in English and French:

6. Peace News Summer Camp. Berrington, UK. July 28-August 1st

The Peace News Summer Camp helps build a radical movement for the future by building a living community today. We will be learning from other movements, struggling with challenging issues, creating more cohesion in a segmented peace movement and debating nonviolence. Workshops will range from theoretical discussion (an introduction to Chomskys Politics) to practical planning for actions later in the year. Fifty years of activist experience will be represented, along with fresh faces and new blood.

7. Climate Camp and Degrowth Summer School and Actionlab. Rhineland, Germany. August 19-29
2016 will see another Climate Camp in the Rhineland! There will be networking, education and actions... and trying out tomorrow’s society today - social, ecological and based on grassroots democracy. At the camp the Degrowth Summer School will take place once again, where the concept of degrowth is put into action: By learning practical skills and analyzing political and economic developments.

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