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Bulgaria : Urgent Call for International Solidarity with the Prisoners in Sofia Prison

posté le 12/01/18 par BPRA Mots-clés  action  solidarité  antifa 

In a similar statement circulated amongst prisoners in Sofia Prison, we outline the problems we have faced in the last year with the appointment of the Director Peter Krestev in April 2017. Prisoners in Bulgaria call for actions of solidarity in the early months of 2018 in solidarity with our symbolic protest actions. Bulgaria will have the European Presidency and so we call on supporters of human right to organise protests and other agitations at Bulgarian Embassies and also at the offices of the European Commission wherever they find them across Europe and Embassies internationally. The state of Bulgaria must know that the world will not tolerate its fake civilization while it tortures it’s prisoners with corrupt prison Directors.

There has never been such a protest in Bulgarian prisons (albeit symbolic) in memorable history, many of us will be persecuted and so we call on the international community to hear our cries for solidarity and not to let our sacrifices be in vain.

posté le  par BPRA  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article


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