Together or divided. Europe, a safe haven ?

posté le 15/02/17
lieu : Espace Senghor
adresse : 366, Chaussée de Wavre, Bruxelles

02 230 31 40
Mots-clés  luttes sociales 

Following the success of last year’s edition, the students of the Executive Master in Communication and European Policy from IHECS Academy together with SHOW ME YOUROPE are pleased to announce the second edition of SHOW ME YOUROPE ARTS.
This year the contest has been remodelled. We concentrate on photography (professional or amateur) and on one specific topic : the arrival of refugees in Europe.
In 2015, more than one million migrants and refugees have crossed the European borders and have undeniably had an impact on our society and our lives.

SHOW ME YOUROPE wants to examine the current issue by giving the opportunity to citizens and artists to express and illustrate their personal views, concerns, hopes and fears regarding this issue.

The title : Together or divided. Europe, a safe haven ?

The winner of the competition will receive a prize of €500 euros. (A jury will decide who will be the winner)

Join us from 8pm on the 20th of March at the Espace Senghor n°366 Chaussée de Wavre 1040 (Etterbeek) Brussels, Bus 34, 59, 60, 80, - Metro : Schuman or Maelbeek
(±10 minutes by walk).

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