"We, the people of Europe…." A transnational Citizens Manifesto in an Age of Exclusion

posté le 02/12/13 par Elena
lieu : Espace Marx
adresse : Rue Rouppe 4, Bruxelles
Mots-clés  action  luttes sociales  alternatives  réflexion / analyse  solidarité 

A Discussion, an Aperitif

“We, the people of Europe….” A transnational Citizens Manifesto in an age of exclusion

Six camper vans stand ready to take the Citizens Manifesto on the road around Europe with the intention of searching out and amplifying the voice of those furthest from the centre of power. In a time where social, economic and political inequality is growing we know that this is both an urgent task and an extremely challenging one.

As we prepare to set off, we want to invite you to an evening in Brussels to explore :

Who are the voiceless people of Europe and what can we learn from the struggles against social and political exclusion ? How can we amplify these struggles at a European level ? What role can a citizens’ manifesto play in stimulating transnational bottom-up movements for equality and democracy ?

Key note speaker : Bleri Lleshi, philosopher, activist and documentary filmmaker

Conversation moderated by Daphne Büllesbach, European Alternatives with interventions by among others Lorenzo Marsili, European Alternatives Executive Director , Alessandro Valera, Director of Participation and Policy at European Alternatives, Dobrica Veselinovic, Ministarstvo Prostora / Ministry of Space Collective (Belgrade), Elena Dalibot, Citizens Pact / European Alternatives

Drinks and small food will be served during and after the discussion.

Wednesday 4th December, 18:00-20:00
Agenda below : download it here
Venue : Espace Marx, rue Rouppe 4, Bruxelles 1000 (tram station Anneessens, tram lines 3, 4, 31, 32)
No registration required. The key-note and discussions will take place in English and the event is open to all.


18:00-18:15 : Welcoming words, Lorenzo Marsili and Alessandro Valera, European Alternatives
18:15-18:30 : Political participation and resistance movements across Europe, key-note speech by Bleri Lleshi, philosopher, activist and documentary film-maker
18:30-19:30 : Discussion : Who are the voiceless people of Europe and what can we learn from the struggles against social and political exclusion ? How can we amplify these struggles at a European level ? What role can a citizens’ manifesto play in stimulating transnational bottom-up movements for equality and democracy ?
Conversation moderated by Daphne Büllesbach, European Alternatives with :

Elena Dalibot, Citizens Pact/Citizens Manifesto, European Alternatives
Dobrica Veselinovic, Ministarstvo Prostora / Ministry of Space Collective, Belgrade
Bleri Lleshi, philosopher, activist and documentary film-maker
Lorenzo Marsili, European Alternatives Executive Director
Followed by an open plenary discussion.

19:30-20:00 : Aperitif

More information on : http://www.citizenspact.eu/save-the-dates-presentation-of-the-citizens-manifesto-in-brussels/

posté le  par Elena  Alerter le collectif de modération à propos de la publication de cet article. Imprimer l'article
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