La Foire au DIY
Ce samedi 24 mai 2014 au quai à la Houille.
Dans une trentaine d’ateliers participatifs gratuits et dans une ambiance festive, http://foireavoirfaire.orgon bricolera un quotidien économe en ressources naturelles. On transmutera des
déchets en objets utiles du quotidien. On expérimentera une économie de la
collaboration et de l’échange. Ce sera :
La Foire au Do It Yourself
co-organisée par la Foire aux Savoir-Faire et le DIY Festival
+ Workshops
+ Concerts
+ Performances
+ Circus
+ Live Painting
+ Kidzone (games, puppets, body painting...)
+ Recycle Constructions
+ Electronics
+ Expo (Sténopé)
+ Installations
+ Decoration
12h00 -> 13h00 : Pic-Nic in the park ! >>> bring your lunch-box
13h00 -> 14h00 : Taupes qui boivent du lait >>> brassband concert
14h00 -> 14h20 : Trio Infernul >>> performance
15h00 -> 16h00 : The Concrète Coconuts >>> Brussels Calypso
17h00 -> 18h00 : Che Cirque >>> performance circus
18h50 -> 19h15 : Ca n’a pas de sens >>> performance circus
19h15 -> 20h00 : Castellers Bxl >>> human castle workshop
20h30 -> 21h30 : Kermesz a l’est >>> brassband concert
21h30 -> 22h00 : Célia >>> circus
Orlando Kintero (Collective Art Workshop)
Jasmijn Rose
+ Weaving with bicycle tire - using a bicycle rim and a smiple weaving technique. Effective to create beautiful patterns and understand the ancient art of weaving.
+ Burkina bé tea stove : making a travel stove from bicyle wheels to prepare tea, coffee and other small preparations. Recipe here :
+ Wooden tavern games made from recycled materials
+ Compost and dry toilets
+ The schools present their projects :
Fruit dryer (solar and radiator )
Home made syrups
Playmat out of recyled fabric
Electricity generation
+ Dome shelter production out of recycled materials
+ Disco Soup : the Brussels team will propose to cook together with unsold products from the Brussels markets.
+ Children : Puppets out of recycled materials
+ Maintenance products : many recipes , many uses.
+ Kitchen : natural conserved green salad recipe to season your dishes
+ Cactus & Co : Bicycle repair workshop
+ Seriegraphy / Silkscreen printing on clothes
And more....TBC
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